Whether you want to add Somatic Breathwork to your existing offerings, start your own business, or join a team such as Exhale Somatic Breathwork, becoming a Somatic Breathwork practitioner can be life changing.
Through the training, not only will you receive the knowledge of how to share this beautiful work with the world, but you will also give yourself a gift that never stops giving. The gift of continual personal evolution and a fulfilling life of service to others.
SomatIQ was created by Steven Jaggers and Andrew Fisher to bring the power of Somatic Breathwork to the world. The SomatIQ approach is practical, deeply relatable, and teaches practitioners how to get back in the driver seat of their life through nervous system regulation.
SomatIQ is the standard we hold high at Exhale Somatic Breathwork and every practitioner at Exhale Somatic Breathwork is certified by SomatIQ.
Exhale Somatic Breathwork is always looking to grow our team of practitioners. If you are a Certified SomatIQ practitioner and are interested in working with Exhale, please contact us and request an application to apply.